This paper presents a statistical measure for the identification of the presence, the location, and the calibration of the strength of singularity in a signal or in any of its derivatives in the presence of measurement noise without the requirement of a baseline using a wavelet based detection technique. For this proposed wavelet based detection of singularities present in a signal, the problem of false alarm and its significant reduction by use of multiple measurements is presented. The importance of the proposed measure on baseline and nonbaseline damage calibration has been discussed from the aspect of structural health monitoring. The findings in this paper can also be used for cross-checking of background noise level in an observed signal. The detection of the existence, location, and extent of an open crack from the first fundamental modeshape of a simply supported beam is presented as an example problem.
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August 2009
Research Papers
A Statistical Measure for Wavelet Based Singularity Detection
Biswajit Basu,
Biswajit Basu
Associate Professor
Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering,
Trinity College Dublin
, Dublin 2, Ireland
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Alan O’ Connor
Alan O’ Connor
Senior Lecturer
Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering,
Trinity College Dublin
, Dublin 2, Ireland
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Vikram Pakrashi
Biswajit Basu
Associate Professor
Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering,
Trinity College Dublin
, Dublin 2, Irelande-mail:
Alan O’ Connor
Senior Lecturer
Department of Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering,
Trinity College Dublin
, Dublin 2, Irelande-mail:
J. Vib. Acoust. Aug 2009, 131(4): 041015 (6 pages)
Published Online: July 14, 2009
Article history
November 2, 2007
November 7, 2008
July 14, 2009
Pakrashi, V., Basu, B., and O’ Connor, A. (July 14, 2009). "A Statistical Measure for Wavelet Based Singularity Detection." ASME. J. Vib. Acoust. August 2009; 131(4): 041015.
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