This paper presents an experimental investigation of the concept of using the combustor transition duct wall to shield the nozzle guide vane leading edge. The new vane is tested in a high-speed experimental facility, demonstrating the improved aerodynamic and thermal performance of the shielded vane. The new design is shown to have a lower average total pressure loss than the original vane, and the heat transfer on the vane surface is overall reduced. The peak heat transfer on the vane leading edge–endwall junction is moved further upstream, to a region that can be effectively cooled as shown in previously published numerical studies. Experimental results under engine-representative inlet conditions showed that the better performance of the shielded vane is maintained under a variety of inlet conditions.
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November 2017
Aerothermal Performance of Shielded Vane Design
Ioanna Aslanidou,
Ioanna Aslanidou
Osney Thermofluids Laboratory,
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
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Budimir Rosic
Budimir Rosic
Osney Thermofluids Laboratory,
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
Search for other works by this author on:
Ioanna Aslanidou
Osney Thermofluids Laboratory,
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
Budimir Rosic
Osney Thermofluids Laboratory,
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
Department of Engineering Science,
University of Oxford,
Oxford OX2 0ES, UK
1Present address: Future Energy Centre, Mälardalen University, Västerås 721 23, Sweden.
2Corresponding author.
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF TURBOMACHINERY. Manuscript received October 2, 2016; final manuscript received May 30, 2017; published online July 19, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Rolf Sondergaard.
J. Turbomach. Nov 2017, 139(11): 111003 (11 pages)
Published Online: July 19, 2017
Article history
October 2, 2016
May 30, 2017
Aslanidou, I., and Rosic, B. (July 19, 2017). "Aerothermal Performance of Shielded Vane Design." ASME. J. Turbomach. November 2017; 139(11): 111003.
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