The optimization of the selection of heliostat aim points in a solar power tower plant with the objective of an increased overall efficiency represents a NP-hard optimization problem of high dimension. This paper presents a universal procedure for the purpose of aim point optimization based on the ant colony optimization metaheuristic that uses the principles of swarm intelligence. The applicability of the developed aim point optimization procedure to central receiver systems is demonstrated on a test case, for which the electrical power of a concentrated photovoltaic (CPV) receiver is maximized for a selected operating point. The example of a CPV receiver was chosen due to its nonlinear and nonmonotonous dependency of efficiency and flux density. It is shown that the optimization result is very close to the theoretical maximum.
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February 2014
Optimization of Heliostat Aim Point Selection for Central Receiver Systems Based on the Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic
Boris Belhomme,
Munich 81679,
Boris Belhomme
Belhomme Engineering and Consulting
,Kufsteiner Platz 4
,Munich 81679,
Search for other works by this author on:
Robert Pitz-Paal,
Peter Schwarzbözl
Peter Schwarzbözl
Institute of Solar Research,
Linder Höhe,
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
,Institute of Solar Research,
Linder Höhe,
Cologne 51147
, Germany
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Boris Belhomme
Belhomme Engineering and Consulting
,Kufsteiner Platz 4
,Munich 81679,
Robert Pitz-Paal
Peter Schwarzbözl
Institute of Solar Research,
Linder Höhe,
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
,Institute of Solar Research,
Linder Höhe,
Cologne 51147
, Germany
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the Journal of Solar Energy Engineering. Manuscript received November 10, 2010; final manuscript received May 21, 2013; published online xx xx, xxxx. Assoc. Editor: Manuel Romero Alvarez.
J. Sol. Energy Eng. Feb 2014, 136(1): 011005 (7 pages)
Published Online: July 16, 2013
Article history
November 10, 2010
Revision Received:
May 21, 2013
Belhomme, B., Pitz-Paal, R., and Schwarzbözl, P. (July 16, 2013). "Optimization of Heliostat Aim Point Selection for Central Receiver Systems Based on the Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic." ASME. J. Sol. Energy Eng. February 2014; 136(1): 011005.
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