2009 is off to an exciting start for JPVT. The Publication Committee granted a permanent annual page increase from 800 to 900 pages to JPVT. Beginning in 2009 JPVT will be published six times per year; February, April, June, August, October and December. These changes in combination with the e-first publishing program will significantly shorten the time between paper submission and paper publication. As you may recall e-first publishing is based on first in, first out (FIFO). The objective is to streamline the publishing process and shorten the time to publication. As soon as any corrections to the publisher's proof are received, made, and signed-off on by ASME the paper will be published on-line in the next available issue of JPVT. An issue will close when its page budget or scheduled closing date is reached. When an issue closes a new issue is immediately opened so that the publication process is continuous. After an issue closes the print version will be created and distributed as usual. Papers will first be published on-line and then in print; so traditional pagination will be replaced with six-digit citation identifiers (CIDs). The first two digits of the CID indicate the issue number. The middle two digits indicate the article type and/or subject area. The last two digits are assigned according to publication order, within that issue and section. CIDs allow articles to be fully citable as soon as they are published online and after appearing in print, retain the same citation information.

You will find the “Fabulous Nuclear Odyssey of Belgium” by Luc Geraets in this issue of JPVT. Geraets is a 2007 recipient of the Calvin W. Rice Lecture award for this technology review. The intent of this award is to continue the efforts for which Calvin Rice was known: to increase understanding among engineering of various countries.

The August, 2009 issue of JPVT will feature a survey paper as well as a series of five papers on hydrogen effects, in addition to a variety of papers on other topics. Associate Editor Poh-Sang Lam is coordinating this effort.

Thanks to outgoing JPVT Associate Editors Vernon Matzen, David Raj, Toshiyuki Sawa, Dennis Williams and Mingde Xue. The valuable contribution they have made to the journal is much appreciated. Ricky Dixon, William Koves, Tribikram Kundu, Donald Mackenzie, Noel ODowd, Ed Rodriguez, Doug Scarth, T.L. (Sam) Sham and Maher Younan continue to serve as Associate Editors.

We welcome five new Associate Editors to JPVT. Zhangzhi Cen, as an Associate Editor at Large; Spyros Karamanos, as an Associate Editor at Large; Marina Ruggles-Wrenn, in the Design and Analysis area; Tomoyo Taniguchi, in the Seismic Engineering area; and Osamu Watanabe, as an Associate Editor at Large. Congratulations on your appointment and welcome to JPVT.

ASME will soon offer a new service for all journals. Authors of ASME Transactions journals can submit material supplemental to their papers. Any supplementary material to a journal paper will be reviewed by both editors and reviewers. Such material has the value of an archival contribution. It should therefore be considered part of the original contribution. The following material will be considered for archiving. The main body of the paper will include prominent indications that it is accompanied by supplemental material.


The text of appendices should be very short, equivalent of one journal page. Material in an appendix should not be the extension of the paper. No new ideas, new results and/or new conclusions should be included. Material in an appendix could be more frames of the figures already included in the main body of the paper. Appendices could also include derivations of analytical results described in the main body of the paper, or other supplemental material like computer programs or data files.

Video Files

Video files should be directly linked to the main body of the paper, and to one or more figures included in the paper.

Three-D Rendering Files

These files should follow the guidelines listed above.

Computer Programs

Computer programs should correspond to the material described in the paper. These should be the programs the authors have used to derive the results and conclusions presented in the main body of the paper. There are issues associated with copyright of the program that have to be ironed out. To avoid any problems, authors should publish only their own computer program.

Please remember, you have a standing invitation to submit your papers to JPVT to be considered for publication. Subscribe to JPVT, if you do not aleady have a subscription, and invite your colleagues to subscribe also. To subscribe on-line go to http://www.asme.org/Publications/Journals/Subscriptions/http://www.asme.org/Publications/Journals/Subscriptions/. Subscriptions are available either in print or electronically.