Shrink-fit, wire-winding, and autofrettage processes and their combinations can be effectively used to increase the strength and fatigue life of metallic thick-walled cylinders for a given volume. While several numerical solutions have been developed for determining the residual stress profile through the thickness of thick-walled cylinders for different combinations of the shrink-fit and autofrettage processes, there are no analytical solutions available to predict the residual stress profile induced by the combination of the shrink-fit and inner and outer autofrettage processes with the hoop winding. In this study, the analytical formulations to predict the residual stress distribution for various combinations of the three processes (hoop-winding, shrink-fit, and autofrettage) have been formulated considering the same manufacturing sequences. The results demonstrate that combinations that include the wire-winding process significantly improve the residual stress profile through the wall thickness of single- or two-layer thick-walled cylinders. Specifically, when the wire-winding process is included, the residual stress at the inner surface increases by 25% in single-layer configurations and by 12% in two-layer thick-walled cylinders, respectively, compared to configurations without the wire-winding process.