In the design of fast reactor plants, the most important failure mode to be prevented is creep–fatigue damage at elevated temperatures. 316FR stainless steel is a candidate material for the reactor vessel and internal structures of such plants. The development of a procedure for evaluating creep–fatigue life is essential. The method for evaluating creep–fatigue life implemented in the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers code is based on the time fraction rule for evaluating creep damage. Equations such as the fatigue curve, dynamic stress–strain curve, creep rupture curve, and creep strain curve are necessary for calculating creep–fatigue life. These equations are provided in this paper and the predicted creep–fatigue life for 316FR stainless steel is compared with experimental data. For the evaluation of creep–fatigue life, the longest time to failure is about 100,000 h. The creep–fatigue life is predicted to an accuracy that is within a factor of 2 even in the case with the longest time to failure. Furthermore, the proposed method is compared with the ductility exhaustion method to investigate whether the proposed method gives conservative predictions. Finally, a procedure based on the time fraction rule for the evaluation of creep–fatigue life is proposed for 316FR stainless steel.
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August 2015
Development of Creep–Fatigue Evaluation Method for 316FR Stainless Steel
Shigeru Takaya,
Shigeru Takaya
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
,4002 Narita
,O-arai, Ibaraki 311-1393
, Japan
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Tai Asayama
Tai Asayama
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
,4002 Narita
,O-arai, Ibaraki 311-1393
, Japan
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Yuji Nagae
Shigeru Takaya
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
,4002 Narita
,O-arai, Ibaraki 311-1393
, Japan
Tai Asayama
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
,4002 Narita
,O-arai, Ibaraki 311-1393
, Japan
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Pressure Vessel and Piping Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF PRESSURE VESSEL TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received June 27, 2014; final manuscript received August 25, 2014; published online February 20, 2015. Assoc. Editor: Marina Ruggles-Wrenn.
J. Pressure Vessel Technol. Aug 2015, 137(4): 041407 (5 pages)
Published Online: August 1, 2015
Article history
June 27, 2014
Revision Received:
August 25, 2014
February 20, 2015
Nagae, Y., Takaya, S., and Asayama, T. (August 1, 2015). "Development of Creep–Fatigue Evaluation Method for 316FR Stainless Steel." ASME. J. Pressure Vessel Technol. August 2015; 137(4): 041407.
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