The fatigue strength of load-carrying fillet welds is, in most codes of practice, performed neglecting the influence of bending in the weld throat section. However, some commonly applied structural details give rise to significant bending in the weld throat section. An example of such a detail is a doubler plate connection, which is often applied in connection with modifications of offshore structures. As a part of the present work, fatigue tests have been performed with test specimens fabricated by the current industry standard for welded offshore steel structures. The fatigue tests show that the degree of bending (DOB) has an influence on the fatigue lifetime. The fatigue lifetime decreases significantly when increasing the bending stress. In order to take into account the effect of the bending, a new fatigue stress definition applicable for fillet welds failing through the weld is presented. Using the test results, it is shown that the new definition of fatigue stress can be used for a wide range of DOB with a low standard deviation of the resulting curve.
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February 2006
Technical Papers
Fatigue Analysis of Load-Carrying Fillet Welds
Jens Ulfkjær Andersen,
Jens Ulfkjær Andersen
Det Norske Veritas
, Tuborg Parkvej 8, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmark
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Ronnie D. Brandstrup
Ronnie D. Brandstrup
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John Dalsgaard Sørensen
Jesper Tychsen
Jens Ulfkjær Andersen
Det Norske Veritas
, Tuborg Parkvej 8, DK-2900 Hellerup, Denmarke-mail:
Ronnie D. Brandstrup
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. Feb 2006, 128(1): 65-74 (10 pages)
Published Online: September 23, 2005
Article history
January 21, 2005
September 23, 2005
Sørensen, J. D., Tychsen, J., Andersen, J. U., and Brandstrup, R. D. (September 23, 2005). "Fatigue Analysis of Load-Carrying Fillet Welds." ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. February 2006; 128(1): 65–74.
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