Knowledge of the frequencies and amplitudes and single-mode versus multi-mode behavior of deepwater riser responses is important for accurate fatigue analysis. The extraction of this information from measured riser responses is a significant challenge given the complexity of the phenomena involved with riser vibrations. An existing technique for obtaining modal amplitudes, wavelet ridge extraction (WRE), has been shown to return a smoothed version of the actual amplitude envelope, resulting in attenuated peak values. In this paper, we introduce a new wavelet-based technique, partial reconstruction of wavelet transforms, for accurately extracting amplitude envelopes of the modes from multi-mode signals. The partial reconstruction technique is proposed to circumvent problems presented by WRE by making use of information available from the inverse wavelet transform. It is demonstrated with synthesized test signals that the new technique provides much more accurate modal envelopes than does WRE. Finally, to illustrate the technique for practical riser response signals, the partial reconstruction technique is applied to representative acceleration fluctuations measured from a drilling riser in the Schiehallion field.
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November 2003
Technical Papers
Partial Reconstruction of Wavelet Transforms: A Technique for Quantifying Amplitude Envelopes of Riser Response Modes
J. A. Pelstring,
J. A. Pelstring
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
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E. E. Waller,
E. E. Waller
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
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D. A. Jordan,
D. A. Jordan
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
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R. W. Miksad
R. W. Miksad
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
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J. A. Pelstring
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
E. E. Waller
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
D. A. Jordan
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
R. W. Miksad
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
Contributed by the OOAE Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF OFFSHORE MECHANICS AND ARCTIC ENGINEERING. Manuscript received January 15, 2002; final revision, January 12, 2003. Associate Editor: K. Thiagarajan.
J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. Nov 2003, 125(4): 225-233 (9 pages)
Published Online: October 1, 2003
Article history
January 15, 2002
January 12, 2003
October 1, 2003
Pelstring , J. A., Waller , E. E., Jordan, D. A., and Miksad, R. W. (October 1, 2003). "Partial Reconstruction of Wavelet Transforms: A Technique for Quantifying Amplitude Envelopes of Riser Response Modes ." ASME. J. Offshore Mech. Arct. Eng. November 2003; 125(4): 225–233.
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