Described research work is focused on the study of environmental pollution in the Czech Republic using an instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). The samples of mosses and alluvial soils were irradiated at the VR-1 training reactor utilizing a nondestructive (instrumental) method of NAA at the Czech Technical University in Prague. Subsequently, the gamma-ray spectra of investigated samples were measured at a semiconductor high purity germanium (HPGe) detector. A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the samples of alluvial soils and mosses from nine regions in the Czech Republic was performed. The presence of Na, K, Ti, V, Al, Au, Mn, Fe, and others was revealed in the studied samples. Apart from these, Ba, Br, As, or Hg were found using qualitative analysis. Depending on the obtained production rates, the amount of Na, K, Al, Au, As, Ti, V, and Fe was determined. Based on the results, it can be verified that the VR-1 training reactor is a suitable device for identifying the composition and concentration of the environmental samples. In the future, more data utilizable for environmental pollution monitoring can be obtained.