The application of radio frequency ablation (RFA) has been widely explored in treating various types of cardiac arrhythmias. Computational modeling provides a safe and viable alternative to ex vivo and in vivo experimental studies for quantifying the effects of different variables efficiently and reliably, apart from providing a priori estimates of the ablation volume attained during cardiac ablation procedures. In this contribution, we report a fully coupled electrothermomechanical model for a more accurate prediction of the treatment outcomes during the radio frequency cardiac ablation. A numerical model comprising of cardiac tissue and the cardiac chamber has been developed in which an electrode has been inserted perpendicular to the cardiac tissue to simulate actual clinical procedures. Temperature-dependent heat capacity, electrical and thermal conductivities, and blood perfusion rate have been considered to model more realistic scenarios. The effects of blood flow and contact force of the electrode tip on the treatment outcomes of a fully coupled model of RFA have been systematically investigated. The numerical study demonstrates that the predicted ablation volume of RFA is significantly dependent on the blood flow rate in the cardiac chamber and also on the tissue deformation induced due to electrode insertion depth of 1.5 mm or higher.