Tremor is a rhythmic, involuntary oscillatory movement that severely affects some aspects of a patient's daily life. The use of wearable tremor-suppressing orthoses has become an effective, noninvasive treatment method for controlling tremors. This article summarizes recent developments in upper limb tremor suppression orthoses, aiming to provide a foundation for future research. By analyzing the working mechanisms, degrees-of-freedom (DOFs), weight, and tremor suppression effectiveness of various types of orthoses, the following conclusions are drawn: We found that differences in the working mechanism and the number of suppression directions are related to the weight of the device; weight, in turn, is a major factor affecting the comfort of the orthoses; and the combination of the number and weight of the damping direction affects the effect of the damping equipment. Balancing these three factors should be a key focus of future research. Moreover, researchers are placing greater emphasis on the comfort of the wearer during the development of these orthoses.