We present a system for 3D printing large-scale objects using natural biocomposite materials, which comprises a precision extruder mounted on an industrial six-axis robot. This paper highlights work on controlling process settings to print filaments of desired dimensions while constraining the operating point to a region of maximum tensile strength and minimum shrinkage. Response surface models relating the process settings to the geometric and physical properties of extruded filaments are obtained through face-centered central composite designed experiments. Unlike traditional applications of this technique that identify a fixed operating point, the models are used to uncover dimensions of filaments obtainable within the operating boundaries of our system. Process-setting predictions are then made through multi-objective optimization of the models. An interesting outcome of this study is the ability to produce filaments of different shrinkage and tensile strength properties by solely changing process settings. As a follow-up, we identify optimal lateral overlap and interlayer spacing parameters to define toolpaths to print structures. If unoptimized, the material’s anisotropic shrinkage and nonlinear compression characteristics cause severe delamination, cross-sectional tapering, and warpage. Finally, we show the linear scalability of the shrinkage model in 3D space, which allows for suitable toolpath compensation to improve the dimensional accuracy of printed artifacts. We believe this first-ever study on the parametrization of the large-scale additive manufacture technique with biocomposites will serve as reference for future sustainable developments in manufacturing.
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August 2019
Control of Process Settings for Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing With Sustainable Natural Composites
Yadunund Vijay,
Yadunund Vijay
Engineering Product Development,
Singapore 487372
e-mail: yadunund_vijay@mymail.sutd.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 487372
e-mail: yadunund_vijay@mymail.sutd.edu.sg
1Corresponding author.
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Naresh D. Sanandiya,
Naresh D. Sanandiya
Engineering Product Development,
Singapore 487372
e-mail: naresh_sanandiya@sutd.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 487372
e-mail: naresh_sanandiya@sutd.edu.sg
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Stylianos Dritsas,
Stylianos Dritsas
Architecture and Sustainable Design,
Singapore 487372
e-mail: stylianosdritsas@sutd.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 487372
e-mail: stylianosdritsas@sutd.edu.sg
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Javier G. Fernandez
Javier G. Fernandez
Engineering Product Development,
Singapore 487372
e-mail: javier.fernandez@sutd.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 487372
e-mail: javier.fernandez@sutd.edu.sg
Search for other works by this author on:
Yadunund Vijay
Engineering Product Development,
Singapore 487372
e-mail: yadunund_vijay@mymail.sutd.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 487372
e-mail: yadunund_vijay@mymail.sutd.edu.sg
Naresh D. Sanandiya
Engineering Product Development,
Singapore 487372
e-mail: naresh_sanandiya@sutd.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 487372
e-mail: naresh_sanandiya@sutd.edu.sg
Stylianos Dritsas
Architecture and Sustainable Design,
Singapore 487372
e-mail: stylianosdritsas@sutd.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 487372
e-mail: stylianosdritsas@sutd.edu.sg
Javier G. Fernandez
Engineering Product Development,
Singapore 487372
e-mail: javier.fernandez@sutd.edu.sg
Singapore University of Technology and Design
,Singapore 487372
e-mail: javier.fernandez@sutd.edu.sg
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Design for Manufacturing Committee of ASME for publication in the Journal of Mechanical Design. Manuscript received June 29, 2018; final manuscript received January 5, 2019; published online April 16, 2019. Assoc. Editor: Paul Witherell.
J. Mech. Des. Aug 2019, 141(8): 081701 (12 pages)
Published Online: April 16, 2019
Article history
June 29, 2018
Revision Received:
January 5, 2019
January 9, 2019
Vijay, Y., Sanandiya, N. D., Dritsas, S., and Fernandez, J. G. (April 16, 2019). "Control of Process Settings for Large-Scale Additive Manufacturing With Sustainable Natural Composites." ASME. J. Mech. Des. August 2019; 141(8): 081701. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4042624
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