This paper considers the derivation of passive-element electrical analogs for three-dimensional elasticity in rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical polar coordinates. The analogs represent, in finite-difference format, the elastic behavior of differential volumes of material defined by the partial differential equations of linearized elasticity theory. Basically, the circuits are derived by equating the elastic strain energy to the power dissipation in the analog circuit. The analogs discussed here are force-current, displacement-voltage circuits. As compared to the more widely known operational amplifier or “active” electrical analog, these analogs simulate the appropriate equations of the elastic system by “passive” electrical components; i.e., by some combination of resistors, inductors, capacitors, and transformers. Strictly speaking, the circuits shown in this discussion are for static elasticity problems. However, as referenced in the text, these analogs can be converted readily into dynamics circuits by visual inspection of the static analogs.
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February 1966
This article was originally published in
Journal of Engineering for Industry
Research Papers
Passive-Element Analog Circuits for Three-Dimensional Elasticity
R. L. Barnoski,
R. L. Barnoski
Measurement Analysis Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif.
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C. R. Freberg
C. R. Freberg
Mechanical Engineering Dept., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.
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R. L. Barnoski
Measurement Analysis Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif.
C. R. Freberg
Mechanical Engineering Dept., University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.
J. Eng. Ind. Feb 1966, 88(1): 8-16
Published Online: February 1, 1966
Article history
December 15, 1964
December 8, 2011
Connected Content
A commentary has been published:
Discussion: “Passive-Element Analog Circuits for Three-Dimensional Elasticity” (Barnoski, R. L., and Freberg, C. R., 1966, ASME J. Eng. Ind., 88, pp. 8–16)
A commentary has been published:
Closure to “Discussion of ‘Sudden Contraction Losses in Two-Phase Flow’” (1966, ASME J. Heat Transfer, 88, pp. 8–9)
Barnoski, R. L., and Freberg, C. R. (February 1, 1966). "Passive-Element Analog Circuits for Three-Dimensional Elasticity." ASME. J. Eng. Ind. February 1966; 88(1): 8–16.
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