Internal combustion engine development focuses mainly on two aspects: fuel economy improvement and pollutant emissions reduction. As a consequence, light duty spark ignition (SI) engines have become smaller, supercharged, and equipped with direct injection and advanced valve train control systems. The use of alternative fuels, such as natural gas (NG) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), thanks to their lower cost and environmental impact, widely spread in the automotive market, above all in bifuel vehicles, whose spark ignited engines may run either with gasoline or with gaseous fuel. The authors in previous works experimentally tested the strong engine efficiency increment and pollutant emissions reduction attainable by the simultaneous combustion of gasoline and gaseous fuel (NG or LPG). The increased knock resistance, obtained by the addition of gaseous fuel to gasoline, allowed the engine to run with stoichiometric mixture and best spark timing even at full load. In the present work, the authors extended the research by testing the combustion of gasoline–NG mixtures, in different proportions, in supercharged conditions, with several boost pressure levels, in order to evaluate the benefits in terms of engine performance, efficiency, and pollutant emissions with respect to pure gasoline and pure NG operation. The results indicate that a fuel mixture with a NG mass percentage of 40% allows to maximize engine performance by adopting the highest boost pressure (1.6 bar), while the best efficiency would be obtained with moderate boosting (1.2 bar) and NG content between 40% and 60% in mass.
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October 2017
Supercharging the Double-Fueled Spark Ignition Engine: Performance and Efficiency
Emiliano Pipitone,
Emiliano Pipitone
Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation,
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
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Stefano Beccari,
Stefano Beccari
Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation,
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
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Giuseppe Genchi
Giuseppe Genchi
Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation,
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
Search for other works by this author on:
Emiliano Pipitone
Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation,
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
Stefano Beccari
Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation,
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
Giuseppe Genchi
Department of Industrial and Digital Innovation,
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
University of Palermo,
Viale delle Scienze,
Palermo 90128, Italy
Contributed by the IC Engine Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received July 28, 2016; final manuscript received March 15, 2017; published online May 16, 2017. Assoc. Editor: David L. S. Hung.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Oct 2017, 139(10): 102809 (9 pages)
Published Online: May 16, 2017
Article history
July 28, 2016
March 15, 2017
Pipitone, E., Beccari, S., and Genchi, G. (May 16, 2017). "Supercharging the Double-Fueled Spark Ignition Engine: Performance and Efficiency." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. October 2017; 139(10): 102809.
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