Thermal barrier coatings are used to reduce the actual working temperature of the high pressure turbine blade metal surface and; hence permit the engine to operate at higher more efficient temperatures. Sensor coatings are an adaptation of existing thermal barrier coatings to enhance their functionality, such that they not only protect engine components from the high temperature gas, but can also measure the material temperature accurately and determine the health of the coating e.g., ageing, erosion and corrosion. The sensing capability is introduced by embedding optically active materials into the thermal barrier coatings and by illuminating these coatings with excitation light phosphorescence can be observed. The phosphorescence carries temperature and structural information about the coating. Accurate temperature measurements in the engine hot section would eliminate some of the conservative margins which currently need to be imposed to permit safe operation. A 50 K underestimation at high operating temperatures can lead to significant premature failure of the protective coating and loss of integrity. Knowledge of the exact temperature could enable the adaptation of the most efficient coating strategies using the minimum amount of air. The integration of an on-line temperature detection system would enable the full potential of thermal barrier coatings to be realized due to improved accuracy in temperature measurement and early warning of degradation. This, in turn, will increase fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Application: This paper describes the implementation of a sensor coating system on a Rolls-Royce jet engine. The system consists of three components: industrially manufactured robust coatings, advanced remote detection optics and improved control and readout software. The majority of coatings were based on yttria stabilized zirconia doped with Dy (dysprosium) and Eu (europium), although other coatings made of yttrium aluminum garnet were manufactured as well. Coatings were produced on a production line using atmospheric plasma spraying. Parallel tests at Didcot power station revealed survivability of specific coatings in excess of 4500 effective operating hours. It is deduced that the capability of these coatings is in the range of normal maintenance schedules of industrial gas turbines of 24,000 h or even longer. An advanced optical system was designed and manufactured permitting easy scanning of coated components and also the detection of phosphorescence on rotating turbine blades (13 k rotations per minute) at stand-off distances of up to 400 mm. Successful temperature measurements were taken from the nozzle guide vanes (hot), the combustion chamber (noisy) and the rotating turbine blades (moving) and compared with thermocouple and pyrometer installations for validation purposes.
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January 2013
Application of an Industrial Sensor Coating System on a Rolls-Royce Jet Engine for Temperature Detection
S. Berthier,
S. Berthier
Southside Thermal Sciences
, United Kingdom
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B. Charnley,
B. Charnley
Cranfield University
, United Kingdom
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J. Wells
J. Wells
RWE npower,
United Kingdom
Search for other works by this author on:
S. Berthier
Southside Thermal Sciences
, United Kingdom
B. Charnley
Cranfield University
, United Kingdom
J. Wells
RWE npower,
United Kingdom
Contributed by the International Gas Turbine Institute (IGTI) of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING FOR GAS TURBINES AND POWER. Manuscript received July 9, 2012; final manuscript received July 9, 2012; published online November 21, 2012. Editor: Dilip R. Ballal.
J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. Jan 2013, 135(1): 012101 (9 pages)
Published Online: November 21, 2012
Article history
July 9, 2012
Revision Received:
July 9, 2012
Feist, J. P., Sollazzo, P. Y., Berthier, S., Charnley, B., and Wells, J. (November 21, 2012). "Application of an Industrial Sensor Coating System on a Rolls-Royce Jet Engine for Temperature Detection." ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power. January 2013; 135(1): 012101.
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