Specification of a turbocharger for a given engine involves matching the turbocharger performance characteristics with those of the piston engine. Theoretical considerations of matching turbocharger pressure ratio and mass flow with engine mass flow and power permits designers to approach a series of potential turbochargers suitable for the engine. Ultimately, the final choice among several candidate turbochargers is made by tests. In this paper two types of steady-flow experiments are used to match three different turbochargers to an automotive turbocharged-intercooled gasoline engine. The first set of tests measures the steady-flow performance of the compressors and turbines of the three turbochargers. The second set of tests measures the steady-flow design-point and off-design-point engine performance with each turbocharger. The test results show the design-point and off-design-point performance of the overall thermodynamic cycle, and this is used to identify which turbocharger is suitable for different types of engine duties.

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