In this work, the heat transfer in double pipe heat exchangers (DPHEs) with small tube spacing is analyzed. This type of heat transfer is generally described in many literary sources; however, in laminar flow, the resulting values of the theoretical equations differ. Moreover, the small spacing of the pipes can affect the fluid flow and subsequent heat transfer. The suitability of using available theoretical methods for the design of double pipe heat exchangers (the Stephan, VDI, and Baehr methods) was evaluated. A series of experiments was carried out on a double pipe heat exchanger with a tube spacing of 1.4 mm. The experimentally determined value of the heat transfer coefficient (HTC) was up to two times higher in comparison with the values calculated according to theoretical methods. The relative increase was more significant for the lower Reynolds number values. At the same time, the difference of the wall temperature along the circumference of the outer tube was detected. This phenomenon was theoretically analyzed and can be explained by tube misalignment in the small tube spacing. The procedure of quantification of this effect was proposed. This effect may cause an inhomogeneity of the media flow and temperature distribution and, as a result, increase the performance of the heat exchanger by tens of percent.
Double pipe heat exchangers (DPHEs) are a widely used configuration in heating systems as well as in industrial systems [1]. DPHEs can be used in the chemical, food, oil and gas industries, solar and geothermal energy applications, air-conditioning applications, reheating, preheating, and digester heating processes [1–3]. Moreover, DPHE is still widely used for the research and development of experimental facilities in energy engineering laboratories [2]. One advantage is the low cost of design and maintenance [1]. This type of heat exchanger is simple in structure and easy to install, clean, maintain, and modify, which allows a significant extension of life and service [1,2]. Reducing the size and cost of heat exchangers, combined with efforts to improve their efficiency, requires an increase in heat transfer intensity. It has a good possibility to intensify heat transfer by heat-transfer enhancement [4]. Thermoeconomic optimization of heat transfer may be obtained by an appropriate ratio of inner and outer pipe diameters [5].
In industrial applications, there is often a requirement to preheat the media to the highest possible temperature in a heat exchanger. When preheating the medium, the requirement for the highest possible outlet temperature leads to a decrease in its flow rate and velocity; therefore, a small intertube spacing is necessary. For these purposes, it is appropriate to use a DPHE when the heated medium is placed in the annulus with a relatively small cross section area and the heating medium (e.g., steam, hot water) flows in the inner pipe. Even so, laminar flow can often occur in the annulus [6]. Furthermore, tube misalignment in a close-packed tubular heat exchanger may occur [7,8]. An eccentric annular duct may influence the heat exchanger's operation. The local Reynolds number varies between narrow and wider parts, which may influence friction factors and fluid flow [7]. There is less fluid velocity in the narrower gap, and the local Reynolds number is significantly lower than that in the wide gap. The mean temperature gradient in the narrow gap averages up to three times larger than in the wide gap [8,9]. The heat transfer is affected by temperature changes in the flow in the passages of DPHE [10]. The heat transfer rate is higher in an eccentric annulus than in a concentric annulus and a single tube; therefore, the heat exchanger performance is also higher [11,12]. As the Reynolds number increases, the effect of eccentricity on the convection heat transfer coefficient (HTC) becomes negligible [11].
An overview of suitable equations for the calculation of the heat transfer coefficient in the annulus is described by Omidi et al. [1] and Dirker and Meyer [13]. However, a validity range of the Reynolds number is often not specified for the given equations, which can lead to varying results. The calculation of the heat transfer coefficient inside a pipe is described for different cases and conditions, e.g., the Dittus–Boelter equation for turbulent fluid flow, the Nusselt equation for condensation of water vapor in a vertical pipe, or other equations according to the mode of flow inside the pipe [14–16].
This article aims to verify the suitability of using available theoretical methods for the design of a DPHE with a small tube spacing and low velocities corresponding to a laminar type of flow of a heat transfer medium in the annulus. In a case of a difference in a comparison with the experimental results, the possible cause will be analyzed, the effect on the heat exchanger performance will be quantified and a recommendation for the design of such a DPHE will be proposed.
Material and Methods
Heat Transfer in Double Pipe Heat Exchangers.
In DPHE (Fig. 1), heat is transferred from the medium in the inner tube to the medium in the annulus through the inner tube wall. Presented equations are valid for heat transferred to the inner tube, while the outer tube is insulated to maintain a constant wall temperature with a hydrodynamically and thermally developing flow.
The theoretical methods for the calculation of the Nusselt number for laminar flow are described below.
Calculation by VDI Heat Atlas (VDI Method).
where Pr is the Prandtl number at the mean temperature Tm, and Prw is the Prandtl number at the wall temperature.
Calculation by the Baehr and Stephan (Baehr Method).
Calculation by Stephan (Stephan Method).
These equation may be used for laminar follow in the range of and
The Experimental Setup
A schematic diagram of the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig. 2. The DPHE was designed as a vertical heat exchanger consisting of two concentric stainless tubes. The inner tube of the heat exchanger is 2000 mm long with an inner diameter of 23.7 mm and a wall thickness of 1.6 mm. The outer tube is 1500 mm long with an inner diameter of 29.7 mm and a wall thickness of 2 mm. The material of the tubes is stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304). The heat exchanger is covered with microfiber insulation. The annulus, made from concentric tubes, is 1.4 mm wide. Stainless pins are used as spacers at three circumferential positions to keep the annulus concentric. The heat exchanger is heated by steam which enters at the top and condenses in the inner tube. The cooling water countercurrently flows in the annulus section.
The steam temperature is controlled so that it is in a saturated or slightly superheated state before it enters the heat exchanger. The condensate flowing out of the tube is collected in a tank and its production is determined by weighing. Any excessive steam in the heat exchanger outlet is released into the ambient. The position of probes for the temperature, pressure, weight, and flow measurements are shown in Fig. 2. Temperatures are measured by T-type thermocouples which are calibrated to within 0.3 °C. The cooling water flow is measured by a flowmeter FLONET FN2010.1 (Elis Pilsen Ltd., Pilsen, Czech Republic) with current output calibrated with a deviation of 0.6%. A laboratory balance with unit weighing 1 g is used to determine the amount of condensate. The datalogger DAS 240 BAT (SEFRAM, Saint-Etienne, France) with the daslab software is used for data collection.
Experiments' Evaluation Procedure.
where is the inside diameter of the tube, k is the thermal conductivity of the tube, is the waterside HTC, and is the outside diameter of the tube.
where the overall heat transfer coefficient U is taken from Eq. (23).
The results of the HTC of cooling water in the annulus are sensitive to the theoretically determined condensation HTC. Although using methods as the parameter estimated approach [23,24] is possible to determine the correlations for both sides independently, the problem is a complex equation of the dependences on the condensation side and on the annulus side compared to the assumptions for turbulent liquid flow without phase change used in frequent applications of this method. It was taken into account in the design of the experiments. The experiments were carried out in individual series, maintaining the measurement conditions on the annulus side (mainly the water flow rate) and varying the steam flow rate on the condensing side, in order to verify the theoretical model used for determining the condensation side HTC (see Fig. 3). While adjusting the parameters, the mean temperature of the cooling water changed slightly, but this effect on the result is relatively small.

The experientially determined HTC of cooling water in the annulus for various velocities of condensing steam
Moreover, another theoretical model for calculating the condensation HTC in shear dominated flows described in Ref. [14] was used for comparison. The results of the condensation HTC were in agreement with the used model with a deviation of up to 7%.
Uncertainty Analysis.
The uncertainty analysis of experimental results was performed according to the procedure described in Refs. [25] and [26]. The maximum expanded uncertainty based on a 95% confidence level is 3.8–8.6% for the HTC in the annulus according to the experimental conditions. Higher uncertainty is achieved at lower values of the cooling water Reynolds number and condenser heat performance, and vice versa.
Results and Discussion
The measurement was carried out at various cooling water flow rates. The pressure and temperature of steam were constant for all measurements, the steam flow rate was varied in a series of measurements. The HTC in the annulus for the Reynolds number of cooling water in a range from 700 to 2000, which corresponds with a laminar flow of cooling water, was analyzed.
Experimental Results.
The experimental results of the HTC determination for DPHE consisting of two coaxial tubes with a small gap are shown in Table 1. The condensation HTC is evaluated according to the model described above.
Summary of experimental conditions
Cooling water inlet temperature (°C) | 13.4–15.2 |
Cooling water outlet temperature (°C) | 58.9–93.6 |
Cooling water mean Re | 723–1894 |
Steam inlet velocity (m/s) | 16.5–9.4 |
Steam outlet velocity (m/s) | 9.0–1.3 |
Heat performance of DPHE (kW) | 5.5–11.4 |
Overall HTC (W/m2 K) | 1369–1493 |
Condensation HTC (W/m2 K) | 6140–7993 |
Cooling water inlet temperature (°C) | 13.4–15.2 |
Cooling water outlet temperature (°C) | 58.9–93.6 |
Cooling water mean Re | 723–1894 |
Steam inlet velocity (m/s) | 16.5–9.4 |
Steam outlet velocity (m/s) | 9.0–1.3 |
Heat performance of DPHE (kW) | 5.5–11.4 |
Overall HTC (W/m2 K) | 1369–1493 |
Condensation HTC (W/m2 K) | 6140–7993 |
It can be seen from Fig. 3 that the used model sufficiently takes into account changes in the velocity of the condensing steam while maintaining the conditions on the side of the HTC annulus, since its value is similar for different steam flow rates. It can be stated that the methodology used to determine condensation HTC has been verified with acceptable accuracy.
The sensitivity analysis of the accuracy of the determination of the condensation HTC to the resulting value of the HTC in the annulus is shown in Fig. 4. An increase in condensation HTC of +50% was considered as the maximum value, while the minimum value corresponded to the use of the standard Nusselt model of steam condensation without flow on the vertical wall. It can be seen that even a larger deviation in the determination of the condensation HTC has a relatively small effect on the resulting values of the HTC in the annulus.
The thermal resistance of the cooling water side is significantly higher than the value of the thermal resistance of the condensation side. Therefore, the error in the HTC determination is given mainly by the accuracy of the measurement of cooling water temperatures and its flow rate.
The comparison of the theoretically calculated value of the HTC of the cooling side and the experimentally determined value is shown in Fig. 5. The error range of theoretical values compared to experimental values are −38.2% to 30.2%, −44.0% to −28.3%, and −50.4% to −44.2% for the Stephan, VDI, and Baehr methods, respectively. The values calculated by the VDI and Baehr methods have a similar trend and reach equally lower values compared to experimental values.

Comparison of the theoretical and experimental HTC of cooling water in the annulus in its dependence on the Reynolds number of cooling water
In the range of lower Reynolds numbers, the difference between the theoretical and experimental values increases. Heat transfer in the DPHE can also be influenced by the narrow width of the annulus. The proposed condenser was designed with an annulus width of 1.4 mm. An annulus with such a narrow width approaches the scale of microchannels where heat transfer increases significantly and can reach values up to 790 W/cm2 [27,28]. A review of the issues related to heat transfer in microchannels was made by Kakac and co-workers [27]. It is generally considered that a microchannel is any channel with a hydraulic diameter within the range of a micrometer, i.e., less than 1 mm. Therefore, it can be assumed that the flow of cooling water in the annulus of the proposed condenser is relatively close to this phenomenon, and it can therefore influence the HTC value of the cooling side of the condenser.
The difference between the theoretical and experimental results of the cooling water HTC is shown in Fig. 6, where the ratio to their dependence on the cooling water Reynolds number is analyzed. Experimental values are 1.8–2.0 times higher than those obtained by calculation according to the Baehr method. The values obtained by calculation according to the Stephan and VDI methods are closer to the experimental results. For the Stephan method, experimental values are 1.45–1.6 times higher. For the VDI method, there is a larger difference in the area of the lower Reynolds numbers (up to 75%) and, on the contrary, a lower difference as the increasing value of the Reynolds number goes down to 40%.
The dependencies of the overall HTC on the cooling water Reynolds number are shown in Fig. 7. Experimental values are higher compared to theoretical values in the range of 22–59%.
The difference in the heat exchanger performance for experimental results in comparison with the theoretical results is shown in Fig. 8. The differences are more pronounced in the area range of the lower Reynolds numbers, where experimental values are up to 35%, 60%, and 45% higher than theoretical values for the Stephan method, the Baehr method, and the VDI method, respectively. It can be seen that the results of the Stephan and VDI methods are closer to the experimental results, but it can be stated that the results of both methods lie in the safety aspect for the design of heat exchangers.
Temperature Distribution on the Outer Surface of the Heat Exchanger.
Longitudinal and circumferential temperature distribution at the outer wall of the condenser was measured during experiments with surface thermocouples. From the measured values, it was observed that the distribution of temperatures along the outer tube of the condenser significantly varied. This means that an irregular flow of cooling water appeared in the annulus of the condenser, and the heat flux from the inner tube did not transfer equally around its circumference to the cooling water. The measured temperature distribution was verified with FLIX i7 thermal-camera (Tedelyne FLIR LLC, Wilsonville, OR). The measurement conditions were maintained, but the thermal insulation was removed. The surface of the tubes was coated with a matt paint to eliminate reflectivity. The photos taken by the camera with the temperature profile of the outer tube of condenser are shown in Figs. 9(a)–9(c). In those pictures, several of the points where the temperature was measured are marked 100 mm under the exit of cooling water from the condenser. It is clear that the temperature of the wall differs around the circumference. The temperatures measured by the thermo-camera may not correspond directly (without insulation, heat loss increases), but the relative difference between the measured temperatures on the surface of the tube is investigated here. The maximum temperature difference around the tube circumference reached approximately 16 °C and varied according to the place of measurement. The approximate schematic distribution of temperatures is shown in Fig. 9(d).

The temperature profile of the outer surface of the heat exchanger for measurement number 2: (a)front view, (b) right view, (c) rear view, and (d) temperature distribution
There are several possible reasons why the temperature profile varied around the tube circuit:
The eccentricity of the annulus occurred due to the inaccurate manufacturing of the condenser, or temperature dilatation and deflection of the inner tube.
The possible influence of pins, which should keep the annulus concentric, on the cooling water flow.
The uneven distribution of cooling water flow from its inlet.
It is difficult to assess the influence of the final two reasons; however, it can be assumed that it is less significant. Theoretical analysis regarding the influence of the eccentricity of annulus or the inner tube dilatation on the flow and temperature profile of cooling water is described below.
The Effect of Tube Misalignment.
Nikitin et al. [8] made a statistical analysis of turbulent flow and heat transfer in an eccentric annulus. In their work, they mention that the Reynolds number can be several times smaller in the narrow gap of annulus than in a wider gap. This means that inner tube shift and annulus eccentricity can influence the velocity profile of a flowing fluid, the value of local HTC, and the temperature distribution of cooling water over the tube circumference. Puranik et al. [29] concerned the mathematical modeling of eccentricity; the conclusion is that with increasing eccentricity, the velocity of the flow increases, but its temperature decreases.
In practice, there is the possibility that due to manufacturing inaccuracy or temperature dilatation, the center of the inner tube shifts radially off the center of the outer tube, creating varying gaps between both tubes. The annulus of the condenser can be divided into two parts, and it may be assumed that the inner tube is radially shifting into the center of one gap of the annulus (Fig. 10). This causes two main effects. First, the area of the inner tube extending into the wider gap of the annulus decreases as its deflection increases, thereby reducing the overall heat flux transferred from the inner tube to the cooling water in the wider gap of the annulus. Second, the theoretical mass flows of cooling water in the two gaps of the divided annulus vary.
Both aspects have the same influence on the temperature of the cooling water flowing in each part of the annulus. A larger inner tube displacement off the annulus center increases the heat transfer to a narrower gap and reduces the cooling water flow here. This causes the heating of the cooling water in the narrow gap of the annulus to be higher than in the wider one. The ratio of the wide and narrow area of annulus depends on the inner tube radial shift and is shown in Fig. 11.
A theoretical analysis was conducted in order to evaluate the actual influence of the radial shift of the inner tube on the temperature distribution of the cooling water flowing in the annulus. This analysis was made with certain assumptions which simplify the calculation:
The exchanger is divided by a longitudinal section passing through the axis of the outer tube into two parts with a wide and a narrow gap according to Fig. 10, each part is balanced separately.
The heat flow from the inner tube is equally distributed over the inner tube circuit.
The defined parameters are considered as mean values.
The mass flow of cooling water is divided according to calculated velocities into both gaps.
There is no secondary flow, nor mixing of cooling water, between the wide and narrow gap.
The calculated mean cooling water outlet temperatures from the wide and narrow gap were compared, and their mean difference is shown in Fig. 12 as a function of inner tube radial shift for five measurements with Reynolds numbers from 1894 to 723. The upper line with triangles corresponds to the conditions in the photos from Fig. 9 for the measurement with Re = 1894 and cooling water heating from 13.4 °C to 59.8 °C. The mean temperature difference of the cooling water in the examined gaps depends on the radial shift of the inner tube. As the radial shift of the inner tube increases, the temperature difference between the cooling water in narrow and wide gaps also increases. The magnitude of the temperature difference for each radial shift value depends mostly on the Re number of the cooling water. The lower cooling water Re number corresponds to a lower temperature difference of the cooling water for each radial shift.

The influence of the radial shift of the inner tube on the temperature difference of the cooling water flowing in narrow and wide gaps for various Reynolds numbers
From Fig. 12, it can be concluded that the maximum temperature difference of 16 °C for measurement with Re = 1894 corresponds to a circa 0.2 mm radial shift of the inner tube.
Nevertheless, the actual shift of the inner tube is less than 0.2 mm because the mean temperature difference is less than the maximal one shown in Fig. 9 and corresponds to a lower radial shift of the inner tube. These results are in agreement with the conclusions of Refs. [8] and [9], that the mean temperature gradient in the narrow gap is significantly larger than it is in the wide gap.
Heat transfer in DPHE for laminar flow of cooling water in the annulus was experimentally analyzed. A series of experiments was carried out on a double pipe condenser with a tube spacing of 1.4 mm. The HTC in the annulus for the Reynolds number of the cooling water in a range from 700 to 2000 was analyzed. The suitability of using three theoretical methods for the thermal design of DPHE was evaluated. The values calculated by the VDI, Stephan, and Baehr methods have a similar trend and reach equally lower values compared to experimental values. The experimentally determined value of the HTC is about 75% for the Reynolds number of 700 and 40% for the Reynolds number of 2000 higher than theoretically determined according to the VDI method, respectively, about 60% and 45% for the Stephan method, and about 100% and 80% for the Baehr method. An increase in the HTC value can be caused by the formation of microturbulence in the annulus with a reduced width of 1.4 mm, similar to the microchannels.
During the experiments, the wall temperature difference along the circumference of the outer tube was ascertained, which was further explained by the eccentricity of the double pipes due to manufacturing inaccuracy or temperature dilatation. The eccentricity of the tubes results in uneven heat transfer and cooling water flow in the annulus and their differing heat. A more detailed analysis and the proposed procedure of quantification of this effect indicated that, for a measured temperature difference of 16 °C in radial distribution of cooling water temperature, the pipe shift would be at a maximum of 0.2 mm. The heat performance in this case is higher than about 20% of that calculated according to the VDI method, about 30% of that calculated according to the Stephan method, and about 50% of that calculated according to the Baehr method.
In practice, the designed concentric tubes may not always be perfectly concentric. Providing a general correlation is an experimentally very demanding task. In general, however, it can be stated that when using a DPHE with a small tube spacing and small media flows in the annulus, even a small manufacturing inaccuracy has a large effect on the change in the performance of the heat exchanger. The use of available theoretical methods is of limited use. Therefore, when designing such a heat exchanger, it is always necessary to begin with control experiments. As a result, the heat exchanger performance may increase, and it would be possible to produce a smaller exchanger with sufficient heat performance and thus to save the material and the build-up space.
In applications where uniform temperature distribution is required, the tube misalignment effect can be eliminated by using spacers (spikes) which are placed along the length of the inner tube to fix its position relative to the outer tube.
Funding Data
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports under OP RDE (Grant No. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000753 “Research centre for low-carbon energy technologies”; Funder ID: 10.13039/501100001823).
Data Availability Statement
The datasets generated and supporting the findings of this article are obtainable from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
- a =
diameter ratio
- A =
heat transfer area, m2
- c =
specific heat capacity, J/kg K
- d =
inner tube diameter, m
- D =
characteristic diameter, m
- D =
outer tube diameter, m
- dh =
hydraulic diameter, m
- fg =
geometrical correction factor
- h =
heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K
- =
latent heat of condensation, kJ/kg
- k =
thermal conductivity, W/m K
- L =
tube length, m
- M =
mass flow rate, kg/s
- Nu =
Nusselt number
- Pe =
Péclet number
- Q =
heat transfer rate, W
- T =
temperature, K
- ΔTlog =
logarithmic mean temperature difference, K
- u =
velocity, m/s
- U =
overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K
- λ =
friction factor
- μ =
dynamic viscosity, Pa·s
- ν =
kinematic viscosity, m2/s
- τ =
shear stress, Pa