A model for the motion and deposition of oblate and prolate spheroids in the nano- and microscale was developed. The aim was to mimic the environment of the human lung, but the model is general and can be applied for different flows and geometries for small nonspherical particle Stokes and Reynolds numbers. A study of the motion and orientation of a single oblate and prolate particle has been done yielding that Brownian motion disturbs the Jeffery orbits for small particles. Prolate microparticles still display distinguishable orbits while oblate particles of the same size do not. A statistical study was done comparing the deposition efficiencies of oblate and prolate spheroids of different size and aspect ratio observing that smaller particles have higher deposition rate for lower aspect ratio while larger particles have higher deposition rates for large aspect ratio.
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August 2016
Modeling Transport and Deposition Efficiency of Oblate and Prolate Nano- and Micro-particles in a Virtual Model of the Human Airway
Elise Holmstedt,
Elise Holmstedt
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
e-mail: eliseh@ltu.se
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
e-mail: eliseh@ltu.se
Search for other works by this author on:
Hans O. Åkerstedt,
Hans O. Åkerstedt
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
Search for other works by this author on:
T. Staffan Lundström,
T. Staffan Lundström
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
Search for other works by this author on:
Sofie M. Högberg
Sofie M. Högberg
Sandvik Materials Technology,
Storgatan 2,
Sandviken SE-811 81, Sweden
Storgatan 2,
Sandviken SE-811 81, Sweden
Search for other works by this author on:
Elise Holmstedt
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
e-mail: eliseh@ltu.se
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
e-mail: eliseh@ltu.se
Hans O. Åkerstedt
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
T. Staffan Lundström
Division of Fluid and Experimental Mechanics,
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
Luleå University of Technology,
Luleå SE-97 187, Sweden
Sofie M. Högberg
Sandvik Materials Technology,
Storgatan 2,
Sandviken SE-811 81, Sweden
Storgatan 2,
Sandviken SE-811 81, Sweden
Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF FLUIDS ENGINEERING. Manuscript received April 28, 2015; final manuscript received February 3, 2016; published online May 2, 2016. Assoc. Editor: Daniel Maynes.
J. Fluids Eng. Aug 2016, 138(8): 081203 (10 pages)
Published Online: May 2, 2016
Article history
April 28, 2015
February 3, 2016
Holmstedt, E., Åkerstedt, H. O., Staffan Lundström, T., and Högberg, S. M. (May 2, 2016). "Modeling Transport and Deposition Efficiency of Oblate and Prolate Nano- and Micro-particles in a Virtual Model of the Human Airway." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. August 2016; 138(8): 081203. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4032934
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