Composite log of the Marcellus shale well. The shaded intervals represent stimulation candidates (Int1, Int2, and Int3) for the Marcellus shale. PAS_DEN and PAS_SON represent density- and sonic/resistivity overlay methods. TECH. REC. RES. represents technically recoverable resources.
Composite log of the Marcellus shale well. The shaded intervals represent stimulation candidates (Int1, Int2, and Int3) for the Marcellus shale. PAS_DEN and PAS_SON represent density- and sonic/resistivity overlay methods. TECH. REC. RES. represents technically recoverable resources.
This paper presents a new five-step method to evaluate shale gas formations with intricate pore networks. The method overcomes challenges posed by traditional workflows through an improved workflow and a new unconventional petrophysical model: (a) the new model accurately defines components of shale gas formations, including effective and isolated pores occupied by free and adsorbed gas; (b) total organic carbon (TOC) is evaluated using three techniques using conventional well logs to determine which techniques are more accurate; and (c) the improved method provides integrated evaluation of geomechanical properties, resources in place, and selection of stimulation candidate. Our field case study on Marcellus shale shows that (a) density-based TOC technique is more accurate and average TOC in the study area is 2.8%; (b) density porosity model is more reliable and average porosity in the study area is 8.5%. Positive correlation between TOCs and porosities in the upper and lower Marcellus suggests that effective pores contribute more significantly to the pore network than isolated pores; (c) gas in place is 120 Bcf with 60% free gas for a drilling unit of 640 acres. Large contrasts in Young's modulus (1 million psi) and minimum in situ stress (893 psi) along the upper Marcellus-Stafford limestone boundary, and resistivity separations in the lower Marcellus member, show that the upper Marcellus is a good stimulation candidate. This method and field case study provide valuable insights to evaluate Marcellus shale reservoirs and improve economic recovery of the resources in place.