Intake generated flows are known to have a fundamental influence on the combustion both in spark ignition (SI) and compression ignition engines. This study experimentally investigated the tumble flow structures inside a cylinder of gasoline direct injection (GDI) engine utilizing a stereoscopic time-resolved particle image velocimetry (PIV). The experiments were conducted in a GDI engine head for a number of fixed valve lifts and 150 mmH2O pressure difference across the intake valves. A tumble flow analysis was carried out considering different vertical tumble planes. In addition, the proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) identification technique was applied on the PIV data in order to spatially analyze the structures embedded in the instantaneous velocity data sets. The results showed that the flow was dominated by a strong tumble motion in the middle of cylinder at high valve lifts (8–10 mm). Moreover, it is worth pointing out that, because of the complexity of the flow at the high valve lifts, the flow energy was distributed over a higher number of POD modes. This was confirmed by the need of a higher number of POD modes needed to reconstruct the original velocity field to the same level of fidelity.
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April 2019
Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of the In-Cylinder Flow of Gasoline Direct Injection Engine
Mohammed El-Adawy,
Mohammed El-Adawy
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Centre for Automotive Research and
Electric Mobility (CAREM),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia,
Centre for Automotive Research and
Electric Mobility (CAREM),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia,
Search for other works by this author on:
M. R. Heikal,
M. R. Heikal
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Centre for Automotive Research and Electric
Mobility (CAREM),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia;
School of Computing Engineering and
University of Brighton,
Brighton BN2 4GJ, UK,
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Centre for Automotive Research and Electric
Mobility (CAREM),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia;
School of Computing Engineering and
University of Brighton,
Brighton BN2 4GJ, UK,
Search for other works by this author on:
A. Rashid A. Aziz
A. Rashid A. Aziz
Centre for Automotive Research and Electric
Mobility (CAREM),
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia,
Centre for Automotive Research and Electric
Mobility (CAREM),
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia,
Search for other works by this author on:
Mohammed El-Adawy
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Centre for Automotive Research and
Electric Mobility (CAREM),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia,
Centre for Automotive Research and
Electric Mobility (CAREM),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia,
M. R. Heikal
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Centre for Automotive Research and Electric
Mobility (CAREM),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia;
School of Computing Engineering and
University of Brighton,
Brighton BN2 4GJ, UK,
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Centre for Automotive Research and Electric
Mobility (CAREM),
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia;
School of Computing Engineering and
University of Brighton,
Brighton BN2 4GJ, UK,
A. Rashid A. Aziz
Centre for Automotive Research and Electric
Mobility (CAREM),
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia,
Centre for Automotive Research and Electric
Mobility (CAREM),
Mechanical Engineering Department,
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Seri Iskandar 32610, Perak, Malaysia,
Contributed by the Internal Combustion Engine Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESOURCES TECHNOLOGY. Manuscript received August 7, 2018; final manuscript received November 16, 2018; published online December 24, 2018. Assoc. Editor: Avinash Kumar Agarwal.
J. Energy Resour. Technol. Apr 2019, 141(4): 042204 (14 pages)
Published Online: December 24, 2018
Article history
August 7, 2018
November 16, 2018
El-Adawy, M., Heikal, M. R., and A. Aziz, A. R. (December 24, 2018). "Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of the In-Cylinder Flow of Gasoline Direct Injection Engine." ASME. J. Energy Resour. Technol. April 2019; 141(4): 042204.
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