Long term package reliability is becoming an increasing concern as IC clock speeds and power densities increase while simultaneously the package foot print decreases. Significant contributors to increasing the reliability and performance of plastic packages are reducing the package/junction temperature and improving the integrity of the interfaces between the encapsulating polymer and the constituent package materials. CVD diamond, with its superior thermal conductivity, low density and high electrical resistivity offers an attractive alternative to traditional metal heat spreader materials to insuring a low junction temperature and therefore long time between failures. Considering these goals and the ubiquitous performance, reliability, and economic requirements, GaAs devices were encapsulated in a plastic package with CVD diamond substrates as the thermal management platform. Both GaAs flip-chip with polymer underfill and conventional face up chip-wire configurations were evaluated. This paper will highlight the effect of chemical termination of the CVD diamond surface on encapsulant polymer adhesion using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, surface energy measurements, and boiling water immersion/peeling tests. Additionally, the enhanced thermal and reliability (mechanical/environmental) performance of plastic packaged GaAs devices using “optimally terminated” CVD diamond will be discussed. [S1043-7398(00)00802-1]
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e-mail: philip.m.fabis@sgcna.com
e-mail: henry.windischmann@sgcna.com
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June 2000
Technical Papers
Thermal Management Enhancement for GaAs Devices Using CVD Diamond Heat Spreaders in a Plastic Package Environment
Philip M. Fabis,
e-mail: philip.m.fabis@sgcna.com
Philip M. Fabis
St. Gobain Industrial Ceramics, Northboro Research Center, Goddard Road, Northboro, MA 01532
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Henry Windischmann
e-mail: henry.windischmann@sgcna.com
Henry Windischmann
St. Gobain Industrial Ceramics, Northboro Research Center, Goddard Road, Northboro, MA 01532
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Philip M. Fabis
St. Gobain Industrial Ceramics, Northboro Research Center, Goddard Road, Northboro, MA 01532
e-mail: philip.m.fabis@sgcna.com
Henry Windischmann
St. Gobain Industrial Ceramics, Northboro Research Center, Goddard Road, Northboro, MA 01532
e-mail: henry.windischmann@sgcna.com
Contributed by the Electrical and Electronic Packaging Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC PACKAGING. Manuscript received by the EEPD May 18, 1999; revision received September 21, 1999. Associate Technical Editor: B. Michel.
J. Electron. Packag. Jun 2000, 122(2): 92-97 (6 pages)
Published Online: September 21, 1999
Article history
May 18, 1999
September 21, 1999
Fabis, P. M., and Windischmann, H. (September 21, 1999). "Thermal Management Enhancement for GaAs Devices Using CVD Diamond Heat Spreaders in a Plastic Package Environment ." ASME. J. Electron. Packag. June 2000; 122(2): 92–97. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.483139
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