Steer-by-wire (SBW) systems in a passenger car can improve vehicle steering capability and design flexibility by replacing the mechanical linkage between the steering wheel and front wheels by a control circuit. The steering controller, however, should provide good performance in response to driver's input signal. This includes fast response, absence of overshoot or oscillatory behavior, and good accuracy with minimal steady-state error. In this paper, an optimal control strategy based on observed system states is proposed and implemented on an electrohydraulic SBW system of a passenger car. First, a linear mathematical model is developed using gray-box system identification techniques. A standard input signal, pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS), is designed to stimulate the system in the concerned bandwidth. Then, a linear-quadratic regulator (LQR) together with a full-state system observer is designed. Based on simulation, the LQR parameters and the observer poles are chosen to satisfy the aforementioned performance criteria for good steering. Finally, the control strategy is applied in a real-time environment to test the tracking capability, where the system is given high-rate reference signals (relative to the human rate of steering). The results show that the steering system tracks the reference signal with high accuracy even in the existence of high external force disturbances.
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December 2017
Observer-Based Optimal Position Control for Electrohydraulic Steer-by-Wire System Using Gray-Box System Identified Model
Mohamed Aly,
Mohamed Aly
Mechanical Power Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Search for other works by this author on:
Magdy Roman,
Magdy Roman
Mechanical Power Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Search for other works by this author on:
Mohamed Rabie,
Mohamed Rabie
Manufacturing and Production
Technology Department,
Modern Academy,
El-Maddi- 304 Street, New Maadi—Saqr Qrysh,
Cairo 11728, Egypt
Manufacturing and Production
Technology Department,
Modern Academy,
El-Maddi- 304 Street, New Maadi—Saqr Qrysh,
Cairo 11728, Egypt
Search for other works by this author on:
Sayed Shaaban
Sayed Shaaban
Automotive and Tractors
Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Automotive and Tractors
Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Search for other works by this author on:
Mohamed Aly
Mechanical Power Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Magdy Roman
Mechanical Power Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Mohamed Rabie
Manufacturing and Production
Technology Department,
Modern Academy,
El-Maddi- 304 Street, New Maadi—Saqr Qrysh,
Cairo 11728, Egypt
Manufacturing and Production
Technology Department,
Modern Academy,
El-Maddi- 304 Street, New Maadi—Saqr Qrysh,
Cairo 11728, Egypt
Sayed Shaaban
Automotive and Tractors
Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
Automotive and Tractors
Engineering Department,
Faculty of Engineering at Mataria,
Helwan University,
Masaken Helmeyt-El-Zaytoon,
Cairo 11718, Egypt
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Dynamic Systems Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS, MEASUREMENT, AND CONTROL. Manuscript received November 9, 2015; final manuscript received June 10, 2017; published online August 9, 2017. Assoc. Editor: Azim Eskandarian.
J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. Dec 2017, 139(12): 121002 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 9, 2017
Article history
November 9, 2015
June 10, 2017
Aly, M., Roman, M., Rabie, M., and Shaaban, S. (August 9, 2017). "Observer-Based Optimal Position Control for Electrohydraulic Steer-by-Wire System Using Gray-Box System Identified Model." ASME. J. Dyn. Sys., Meas., Control. December 2017; 139(12): 121002.
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