Organ printing is a novel concept recently introduced in developing artificial three-dimensional organs to bridge the gap between transplantation needs and organ shortage. One of the major challenges is inclusion of blood-vessellike channels between layers to support cell viability, postprinting functionality in terms of nutrient transport, and waste removal. In this research, we developed a novel and effective method to print tubular channels encapsulating cells in alginate to mimic the natural vascular system. An experimental investigation into the influence on cartilage progenitor cell (CPCs) survival, and the function of printing parameters during and after the printing process were presented. CPC functionality was evaluated by checking tissue-specific genetic marker expression and extracellular matrix production. Our results demonstrated the capability of direct fabrication of cell-laden tubular channels by our newly designed coaxial nozzle assembly and revealed that the bioprinting process could induce quantifiable cell death due to changes in dispensing pressure, coaxial nozzle geometry, and biomaterial concentration. Cells were able to recover during incubation, as well as to undergo differentiation with high-level cartilage-associated gene expression. These findings may not only help optimize our system but also can be applied to biomanufacturing of 3D functional cellular tissue engineering constructs for various organ systems.
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September 2013
Evaluation of Cell Viability and Functionality in Vessel-like Bioprintable Cell-Laden Tubular Channels
Yin Yu,
Yin Yu
BioMfG Laboratory,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
The University of Iowa,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
;Department of Biomedical Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
;Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
Search for other works by this author on:
Yahui Zhang,
Yahui Zhang
BioMfG Laboratory,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
;Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
Search for other works by this author on:
James A. Martin,
James A. Martin
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
The University of Iowa,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
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Ibrahim T. Ozbolat
Ibrahim T. Ozbolat
BioMfG Laboratory,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
;Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Yin Yu
BioMfG Laboratory,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Department of Biomedical Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
The University of Iowa,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
;Department of Biomedical Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
;Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
Yahui Zhang
BioMfG Laboratory,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
;Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
James A. Martin
Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation,
The University of Iowa,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
Ibrahim T. Ozbolat
BioMfG Laboratory,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Center for Computer-Aided Design,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
;Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
The University of Iowa,
Iowa City, IA, 52242
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division of ASME for publication in the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. Manuscript received November 7, 2012; final manuscript received May 1, 2013; accepted manuscript posted May 15, 2013; published online July 11, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Dror Seliktar.
J Biomech Eng. Sep 2013, 135(9): 091011 (9 pages)
Published Online: July 11, 2013
Article history
November 7, 2012
Revision Received:
May 1, 2013
May 6, 2013
Yu, Y., Zhang, Y., Martin, J. A., and Ozbolat, I. T. (July 11, 2013). "Evaluation of Cell Viability and Functionality in Vessel-like Bioprintable Cell-Laden Tubular Channels." ASME. J Biomech Eng. September 2013; 135(9): 091011.
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