A new method of bone fracture fixation has been developed in which fixation darts (small diameter nails/pins) are driven across a fracture site at high velocity with a pneumatically powered gun. When fixation darts are inserted oblique to one another, kinematic constraints prevent fragment motion and allow bone healing to progress. The primary aim of this study is to determine if fixation darts can provide reasonable fixation stability compared to bone screws, which were used as a benchmark since they represent a simple, yet well-established, surgical technique. The first objective was to evaluate macro-level stability using different numbers of darts inserted parallel and oblique to each other; experimental comparisons were undertaken in a bone analog model. Experimental results showed fixation darts could not be substituted for screws on a one-to-one basis, but that a plurality of fixation darts provided comparable fixation to two bone screws while allowing for faster insertion and damaging less bone. A second objective was to evaluate micro-level stability; a finite element model was created in order to provide a detailed look at the stress state surrounding the fixation darts and the evolution of the fracture gap. Even with relatively weak fixation dart configurations, the fracture gap was maintained below physiological thresholds for bone healing. Most failures of the fixed fractures were attributed to fixation dart pullout from the cancellous structure. The final objective of the study was to characterize this mode of failure with separate fixation dart and screw pullout tests conducted in Sawbones® cancellous foam and fresh porcine cancellous bone. The results showed that the cancellous foam was an acceptable substitute for real bone and provided a conservative estimate of the fixation darts' performance relative to bone screws. A final comparison between experimental and numerically predicted pullout strengths provided confirmation that the model and experiments were consistent.
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Mechanical Engineering,
University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN 46637
e-mail: matthew.prygoski@zimmer.com
Manufacturing and Design,
Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Alcoy 03801,
e-mail: sasanca@dimm.upv.es
Mechanical Engineering,
University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN 46637
e-mail: schmid.2@nd.edu
Materials Engineering,
Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Alcoy 03801,
e-mail: maselles@dimm.upv.es
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September 2013
High Speed Fracture Fixation: Assessing Resulting Fixation Stability and Fastener Withdrawal Strength
Matthew Philip Prygoski,
Mechanical Engineering,
University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN 46637
e-mail: matthew.prygoski@zimmer.com
Matthew Philip Prygoski
Department of Aerospace and
Mechanical Engineering,
University of Notre Dame,
150 Multidisciplinary Research Building
,Notre Dame, IN 46637
e-mail: matthew.prygoski@zimmer.com
1Corresponding author.
Search for other works by this author on:
Samuel Sanchez Caballero,
Manufacturing and Design,
Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Alcoy 03801,
e-mail: sasanca@dimm.upv.es
Samuel Sanchez Caballero
Institute for Automotive
Manufacturing and Design,
Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Campus of Alcoy
,Alcoy 03801,
e-mail: sasanca@dimm.upv.es
Search for other works by this author on:
Steven R. Schmid,
Mechanical Engineering,
University of Notre Dame,
Notre Dame, IN 46637
e-mail: schmid.2@nd.edu
Steven R. Schmid
Department of Aerospace and
Mechanical Engineering,
University of Notre Dame,
150 Multidisciplinary Research Building
,Notre Dame, IN 46637
e-mail: schmid.2@nd.edu
Search for other works by this author on:
Miguel Angel Selles
Materials Engineering,
Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Alcoy 03801,
e-mail: maselles@dimm.upv.es
Miguel Angel Selles
Department of Mechanical and
Materials Engineering,
Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Campus of Alcoy
,Alcoy 03801,
e-mail: maselles@dimm.upv.es
Search for other works by this author on:
Matthew Philip Prygoski
Department of Aerospace and
Mechanical Engineering,
University of Notre Dame,
150 Multidisciplinary Research Building
,Notre Dame, IN 46637
e-mail: matthew.prygoski@zimmer.com
Samuel Sanchez Caballero
Institute for Automotive
Manufacturing and Design,
Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Campus of Alcoy
,Alcoy 03801,
e-mail: sasanca@dimm.upv.es
Steven R. Schmid
Department of Aerospace and
Mechanical Engineering,
University of Notre Dame,
150 Multidisciplinary Research Building
,Notre Dame, IN 46637
e-mail: schmid.2@nd.edu
Antony J. Lozier
Miguel Angel Selles
Department of Mechanical and
Materials Engineering,
Polytechnic University of Valencia,
Campus of Alcoy
,Alcoy 03801,
e-mail: maselles@dimm.upv.es
1Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division of ASME for publication in the Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. Manuscript received December 19, 2012; final manuscript received May 23, 2013; accepted manuscript posted May 28, 2013; published online July 10, 2013. Assoc. Editor: Sean S. Kohles.
J Biomech Eng. Sep 2013, 135(9): 091008 (10 pages)
Published Online: July 10, 2013
Article history
December 19, 2012
May 18, 2013
Revision Received:
May 23, 2013
Philip Prygoski, M., Sanchez Caballero, S., Schmid, S. R., Lozier, A. J., and Selles, M. A. (July 10, 2013). "High Speed Fracture Fixation: Assessing Resulting Fixation Stability and Fastener Withdrawal Strength." ASME. J Biomech Eng. September 2013; 135(9): 091008. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4024641
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