A detailed understanding of the changes in load transfer due to implantation is necessary to identify potential failure mechanisms of orthopedic implants. Computational finite element (FE) models provide full field data on intact and implanted bone structures, but their validity must be assessed for clinical relevance. The aim of this study was to test the validity of FE predicted strain distributions for the intact and implanted pelvis using the digital image correlation (DIC) strain measurement technique. FE models of an in vitro hemipelvis test setup were produced, both intact and implanted with an acetabular cup. Strain predictions were compared to DIC and strain rosette measurements. Regression analysis indicated a strong linear relationship between the measured and predicted strains, with a high correlation coefficient (R = 0.956 intact, 0.938 implanted) and a low standard error of the estimate (SE = 69.53 με, 75.09 με). Moreover, close agreement between the strain rosette and DIC measurements improved confidence in the validity of the DIC technique. The FE model therefore was supported as a valid predictor of the measured strain distribution in the intact and implanted composite pelvis models, confirming its suitability for further computational investigations.
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August 2012
Research Papers
Experimental Validation of Finite Element Models of Intact and Implanted Composite Hemipelvises Using Digital Image Correlation
Rajesh Ghosh,
Rajesh Ghosh
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
e-mail: rghosh.iitkgp@gmail.com
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, West Bengal, India
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Sanjay Gupta,
Sanjay Gupta
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
e-mail: sangupta@mech.iitkgp.ernet.in
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, West Bengal, India
Search for other works by this author on:
Alexander Dickinson,
Alexander Dickinson
Bioengineering Science Research Group,
e-mail: alex.dickinson@soton.ac.uk
School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton
, Southampton S017 1BJ, United Kingdom
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Martin Browne
Martin Browne
Bioengineering Science Research Group,
e-mail: doctor@soton.ac.uk
School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton
, Southampton S017 1BJ, United Kingdom
Search for other works by this author on:
Rajesh Ghosh
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, West Bengal, India
e-mail: rghosh.iitkgp@gmail.com
Sanjay Gupta
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology
Kharagpur, Kharagpur 721 302, West Bengal, India
e-mail: sangupta@mech.iitkgp.ernet.in
Alexander Dickinson
Bioengineering Science Research Group,
School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton
, Southampton S017 1BJ, United Kingdom
e-mail: alex.dickinson@soton.ac.uk
Martin Browne
Bioengineering Science Research Group,
School of Engineering Sciences, University of Southampton
, Southampton S017 1BJ, United Kingdom
e-mail: doctor@soton.ac.uk
J Biomech Eng. Aug 2012, 134(8): 081003 (9 pages)
Published Online: August 6, 2012
Article history
November 15, 2011
July 8, 2012
July 14, 2012
July 18, 2012
August 6, 2012
August 6, 2012
Ghosh, R., Gupta, S., Dickinson, A., and Browne, M. (August 6, 2012). "Experimental Validation of Finite Element Models of Intact and Implanted Composite Hemipelvises Using Digital Image Correlation." ASME. J Biomech Eng. August 2012; 134(8): 081003. https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4007173
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