The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of isolated alterations in mineral content on mouse bone torsional properties. The femora and tibiae from 25 eight-week-old male A/J strain mice were divided into five groups and selectively decalcified from 5% to 20%. The right femora were then tested to failure in torsion while the tibiae were ashed to determine final mineral content of the decalcified bones. Contralateral femora were serially cross-sectioned to determine geometric properties, and effective material properties were then calculated from the geometric and structural properties of each femoral pair. We found that the relationship between ash content and effective shear modulus or maximum effective shear stress could best be characterized through a power law, with an exponential factor of and respectively. This indicates that in a murine model, as with other species, small changes in ash content significantly influence effective material properties. Furthermore, it appears that (in adolescent A/J strain mice) effective shear modulus is more heavily affected by changes in mineralization than is maximum effective shear stress when these properties are derived from whole bone torsional tests to failure.
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October 2003
Technical Papers
Ash Content Modulation of Torsionally Derived Effective Material Properties in Cortical Mouse Bone
Todd C. Battaglia,
Todd C. Battaglia
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908
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An-Chi Tsou,
An-Chi Tsou
Picker Engineering Program, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
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Emerson A. Taylor,
Emerson A. Taylor
Picker Engineering Program, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
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Borjana Mikic
Borjana Mikic
Picker Engineering Program, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
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Todd C. Battaglia
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908
An-Chi Tsou
Picker Engineering Program, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Emerson A. Taylor
Picker Engineering Program, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Borjana Mikic
Picker Engineering Program, Smith College, Northampton, MA 01063
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division for publication in the JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received by the Bioengineering Division January 24, 2003; revision received May 16, 2003. Associate Editor: C. Jacobs.
J Biomech Eng. Oct 2003, 125(5): 615-619 (5 pages)
Published Online: October 9, 2003
Article history
January 24, 2003
May 16, 2003
October 9, 2003
Battaglia, T. C., Tsou , A., Taylor , E. A., and Mikic, B. (October 9, 2003). "Ash Content Modulation of Torsionally Derived Effective Material Properties in Cortical Mouse Bone ." ASME. J Biomech Eng. October 2003; 125(5): 615–619.
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