A new compact centrifugal blood pump driven by a miniature DC servomotor has been designed for use for short-term extra corporeal and cardiac-assisted circulation. The impeller of the pump was connected directly to the motor by using a simple-gear coupling. The shaft for the impeller was sealed from blood by both a V-ring and a seal bearing. Either pulsatile or nonpusatile flow was produced by controlling the current supply to the motor. The pump characteristics and the degree of hemolysis were evaluated with regard to the configuration of the impeller with a 38-mm outer diameter in vitro tests; the impeller having the blade angles at the inlet of 20 deg and at the outlet of 50 deg was the most appropriate as a blood pump. The performance in an operation, hemolysis and thrombus formation in the pump were assessed by a left ventricular bypass experiment in dogs. It was suggested by this study that this prototype pump appears promising for use not only in animal experiments but also in clinical application.

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