Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) contracted Kalsi Engineering, Inc (KEI) to perform flow loop testing, computational fluid dynamic (CFD) analyses, and methodology development to more accurately predict flow-induced forces in balanced globe valves. The flow loop test conditions included single-phase and two-phase water flow, straight pipe and upstream-flow-disturbance pipe configurations, and two 4-inch balanced disk globe valves test specimens with a combination of quick opening and linear trim. CFD predictions were performed with a commercial grade dedicated version of ANSYS CFX 16.0 software.

The methodology was developed to utilize key dimensional characteristics of the disk and cage to determine the effective area through the stroke. The methodology accounts for trim characteristics, flow orientation, disk style, maximum valve DP and maximum flow rate. The model is validated for fluid temperatures between 70 °F and 160 °F, flow velocities up to 45 ft/sec. The methodology was validated against flow loop test data over a range of flow conditions, disk styles, and trim characteristics.

Paper published with permission.

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